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Office Access Control Systems

Access control systems designed to restrict and control entry and exits from offices.

Access control systems are highly effective in regulating and managing entry and exit privileges within single or multiple office complexes.

For offices that are designed for housing multiple tenants, the flexibility of access control becomes paramount. It allows precise differentiation between zones accessible to specific companies and their individual employees.

Access control systems also serve a dual purpose by enhancing both health and safety measures and compliance with fire regulations. Additionally, when these systems are employed to monitor employees, they maintain an accurate record of the individuals present within the premises at all times.

Most modern access control systems offer a range of supplementary features. For instance, they grant the ability to confine access to specific sections of your building during designated time intervals, effectively preventing entry during off-hours, such as nighttime or weekends. Access mechanisms are also diverse, encompassing options like keypads, key fobs, access cards, and biometric identifiers.

Access Control Systems – Why should you have one installed?

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Key Challenges

In recent times, there has been a significant surge in incidents involving the theft of valuable assets and equipment from offices, even during regular working hours. Regrettably, this trend has become more widespread.

Dealing with workplace theft poses a formidable challenge, as it often places work colleagues under immediate suspicion, potentially leading to unwarranted tensions. Consequently, it is imperative to establish access control measures that serve as a deterrent against internal theft.

Controlling access to offices that require open access to public areas can also prove to be quite a daunting task. Furthermore, there are concerns related to staff members not adhering to best practice security protocols, such as the unauthorised sharing of access codes, pass cards, or access fobs.

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Benefits of installing office security systems include:

  • Accurate records of individuals entry and exit from the building
  • Theft deterrent
  • Evidence of loss to support further action
  • Easy remote monitoring solutions
  • Controlled access
  • Protection of high-value assets
  • Early warning of un-authorised access
  • Supports health and safety processes and culture

Our Approach

Tecserv is an SSAIB approved installer and has distributor agreements with most of the leading manufacturers of access control systems and will be able to provide advice when choosing the right system. We also provide ongoing maintenance and advice to ensure your system and training procedures are effective.

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Please note Tecserv only operate within the United Kingdom – any work outside of this region cannot be considered.

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