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Fire Extinguisher Service Agreements

Tecserv UK is pleased to announce a new package which may be of interest to those responsible for negotiating the terms of their company Fire Extinguisher Service agreement.

The Tecserv UK “GOLD service agreement for fire Extinguishers” is a fixed price truly ‘all inclusive’ fire extinguisher service package.

In fact, we think it is so good, you may never need to buy a new extinguisher again!

The benefits to clients

Entering into a Gold extinguisher service contract means that you can budget exactly how much your fire extinguisher service costs will be each year, AND have peace of mind that their extinguishers are compliant.

All you need to do is pay a set fee per extinguisher and let Tecserv UK take over responsibility of ensuring that all the extinguishers serviced by us comply with current British Standards on the day of service.

The fixed price includes consumables, all parts, all materials, all labour and all *replacement extinguishers. If we are unable to maintain that extinguisher, we won’t ever ask you to buy a new one, we will simply replace it under the terms your agreement.

This also means you get a cost effective Fire Extinguisher Service Agreement. Our engineer can be far more efficient and be able to get on with his job replacing parts or even whole extinguishers without delay to ensure compliance is met. It’s because we no longer need to process engineer’s recommendation reports, provide quotations or go through lengthy approval processes that we are able to keep servicing costs low in one uncomplicated fixed price invoice for the whole job.

Benefits to the Responsible Individual

As the RI, it is your legal responsibility to ensure your site is compliant at all times. If a fire inspection stipulates that a fire extinguisher needs replacing, and you are not able to sanction the purchase order straight away, it means your site will not be compliant until the new fire extinguisher is installed. By taking out a GOLD package, the wait for approval is not required and a replacement extinguisher can be installed right away.

Buying the contract

In order for both parties to benefit from the GOLD Fire Extinguisher Service Agreement, we recommend a 5-year term contract is taken up. However, we do not insist or enforce this recommendation and rely on our good honest service and competitiveness to retain business.

Gold service contracts with Tecserv start from as little as £9.95** per extinguisher per year.

*Replacement excludes extinguishers that have been deliberately vandalised.

** Terms and conditions apply depending on number of fire extinguishers. Please contact for further details.

Steve Ellis

Steve has worked in the Fire and Security industry for over 15 years in a variety of roles; beginning as a service engineer and progressing through to managerial positions. He has an extensive knowledge of different alarm systems and is very customer focused.

Posted on: 23 May 2017
Last updated: 24 July 2024
Author: Steve Ellis